More than Expected

Clinic Starter Website – Regular Price $1500

Predefined template with the ability to choose two colours; primary and accent.

  • Home Page
  • About Page – Up to 6 staff members, each with 1 image and a biography of 2 paragraph
  • Services Page – Up to 6 services with a descriptions (maximum of 3 paragraphs each)
  • Contact Page
  • Privacy Policy Page

‘Book Now’ buttons.
Embedded, interactive Google Map.
Up to 3 social media accounts linked in the footer.

You supply:

  • Logo file in digital format
  • High quality images in digital format
  • Text content in digital format
  • Contact information

Monthly fee regular price: $65 *

  • Hosting
  • Offsite backups
  • Malware scanning
  • Uptime monitoring
  • Platform updates
  • Free SSL Certificate

We can also register your domain name for you and connect it to your site.

*monthly fee may increase in the future but is guaranteed for the first year

CAMPT Members get 40% off!

Clinic Starter Website mockup:

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